Jeremy Carter
Speaker ♛ Trainer ♛ Coach ♛ Mentor ♛ Author
Jeremy Carter is a seasoned professional specializing in advising managers, leaders, and business owners on strategies to enhance their businesses. With a focus on creating Magnetic, Respected, and Meaningful Organizations, Jeremy helps to attract top talent, empower teams, and foster cultures of trust and respect. He offers services such as leadership and management skills training, coaching, accountability enforcement, team building, attitude adjustment, and staff engagement enhancement. Jeremy's educational background includes a Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering from James Cook University and a Diploma of Financial Planning from Kaplan Professional. Throughout his career, he held various roles such as Leadership Trainer, Business Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Management Consultant at organizations like Blacktown City Council, marcus evans Group, The Hills Shire Council, Rapport Leadership Australia, BNI Sydney, Rotary Club, Fusion Wealth Advisory Strategy, ActionCOACH, and National Instruments.