Jen Horonjeff - “Ask Patients”
Jen Horonjeff is a chronic illness patient advocate, a PhD holder, and an entrepreneur. An expert in behavior change, human factors, patient engagement, and user-centered design, she is passionate about co-designing healthcare solutions between patients and healthcare innovators. Horonjeff is the founder and CEO of Savvy Cooperative, a revolutionary patient-owned public benefit co-op that connects patients with healthcare innovators. Her innovative model recently earned her recognition as one of Entrepreneur Magazine's 50 Most Daring Entrepreneurs of 2018. She is also a certified Pilates instructor, former faculty member at Columbia Business School Executive Education, and former research assistant at NYU Langone Medical Center. Horonjeff's ultimate goal is to give patients a voice and a platform so that their experiences are heard, valued, respected, and incorporated into meaningful patient-centered solutions.