Jeff Yemin
Jeff Yemin is a Senior Lead Engineer at MongoDB with over 15 years of experience in Java programming.1 He is currently an engineering manager at MongoDB, Inc. and the lead maintainer of the MongoDB Java driver.1 Jeff's journey with MongoDB began while working at MTV Networks, where he led a project to create a unified Java-based content management system using MongoDB as the underlying data repository.1
Before joining MongoDB, Jeff worked at Sun Microsystems as a Java consultant and educator.1 His expertise in Java and database technologies has made him a valuable asset to MongoDB's engineering team.
Jeff is also a frequent speaker at technology conferences. He has presented on topics such as "Next Generation MongoDB: Sessions, Streams, Transactions" at events like SpringOne Platform.2 His contributions to MongoDB's development include work on features like sessions, change streams, retriable writes, reactive access, and transactions.2
On social media, Jeff can be found on Twitter under the handle @jeffyemin3 and on LinkedIn as jeffyemin.4 He actively shares updates about MongoDB's latest releases and features through these platforms.