Jean-Charles PICAUD
Professeur de pédiatrie, service néonatologie, hôpital de la Croix Rousse
Jean-Charles PICAUD is a prominent figure in the field of neonatology in France. He is a Full Professor of Pediatrics since 2001 and works in the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Croix Rousse University Hospital in Lyon, France.1
As the Coordonnateur de l'enseignement de l'Option de néonatologie (Coordinator of the Neonatology Option teaching) for the inter-région Est (Eastern inter-region) of France, Professor PICAUD plays a crucial role in shaping the education of future neonatologists.46 This position involves overseeing the specialized training program in neonatology, which is an additional two-year course for pediatricians seeking to subspecialize in this field.5
Professor PICAUD's expertise extends beyond his educational responsibilities:
He is the President of the Association des Lactariums de France (ADLF), showcasing his involvement in breast milk banking and infant nutrition.4
His research interests focus on neonatal and infant nutrition, particularly the optimization of parenteral and enteral nutrition for very preterm infants.1
He has conducted studies on human milk composition, fortification, and pasteurization methods to preserve its quality.1
Professor PICAUD is also involved in the Diplôme Inter-Universitaire (DIU) d'Initiation aux Soins de Développement chez le Nouveau-né et l'Enfant, a program focused on developmental care in newborns and children.2
At the Croix Rousse University Hospital, his service specializes in the care of extremely premature infants (< 1000g) and has developed therapeutic hypothermia treatment for term infants with severe perinatal anoxic-ischemia.3