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Jason Vega

Senior Designer at Porch
SummaryAI Assisted Badge

Jason Vega is a competent and experienced visual designer with a background in computer programming. He studied computer programming at Coding Dojo and received additional training at Brooks. He has worked in several organizations throughout his career, including Ardyss International, Motel, Zappos Family of Companies, and currently Porch. His tenures have seen him take on various responsibilities, including branding, designing user experiences, wireframing, and front-end development.

During his career, Jason has developed significant expertise in different areas of design, thanks to his education in programming and experience in media groups. He enjoys working with digital media, and his specialties cover the breadth of the design industry, including branding, user interface and user experience design, mobile design, and web design.

Jason's attention to detail, creativity, and ability to communicate ideas effectively have been valuable assets for the organizations he has worked for. He continues to hone his skills and explore new opportunities in the design industry.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.