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Who are Jane Newell Brown’s most high-profile connections?
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Jane Newell Brown

HRD, management consultant, organisational developer, coach and trainer
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Jane Brown is an experienced HR Director with a focus on growing businesses in creative and tech industries, corporate finance, and recruitment. Her expertise includes delivering HR services, support, and outsourced HR, as well as facilitating at the board level to improve team capability and operational performance. Jane is also an expert in recruitment business leadership and management development, having provided training and consultancy both in-house and agency-side. With a range of services, strategies, and tools, she ensures the sourcing, hiring, retention, and development of the best talent in each client. Outside of recruitment, Jane also consults on a range of people issues such as team development, group relations, organisational behaviour, and performance improvement.

Jane holds a bachelor's degree in European Business Studies, a master's degree in Organisational Consultancy, and a post-graduate certificate in Education. She is currently the Managing Director at silverspace and has previously co-founded Resourcing Partners Ltd and served as the Managing Director at Leaders In Recruitment. Additionally, Jane has held various roles across different industries, including marketing manager and recruitment manager, and has taught in both higher and further education settings.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.