Jan-Burger TROOST
Educating Digital Design
Jan-Burger Troost is a highly educated and skilled professional with experience in various fields ranging from digital design to furniture making. Troost has acquired multiple certificates and diplomas from esteemed institutions such as the Hout- en Meubileringscollege, ISW/Opleidingen, Grafisch Lyceum, and more. He has worked as a Docent for Digital Design at the Hout- en Meubileringscollege where he previously served as a member of the Stuurgroep Duurzame Digitaliseringsaanpak, MeeMetICT, and Stuurgroep Duurzaamheid. Troost has also worked for various design and exhibition firms in roles ranging from Junior Designer to Project Manager, expanding his skill set and knowledge in the field. He has attended multiple training events on design and STEM, proving his dedication to learning and growth.