James Fowler
Senior Advisor (CT DEEP)
James Fowler is a seasoned executive in the marketing, communication and digital services industry. He is well-versed in brand/strategy development and management, digital marketing, strategic planning, partnerships, and public relations. Mr. Fowler has worked with various government agencies such as CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services(DECD), CT Office of the Secretary of the State (SotS), CT State Department of Education (CSDE), CT Department of Public Health (DPH), CT Insurance Department (CID), CT Department of Children and Families (DCF), CT Office of Early Childhood(OEC), CT Department of Social Services (DSS), the CT Joint Information Center (JIC) for COVID-19 Communications, and others.
Mr. Fowler's vast experience in digital marketing, branding and strategy development makes him a sought after executive. He has held key positions in top companies such as Chief Executive Officer at CommIT Technology Solutions, Inc., Interactive Director at Leibowitz, and Director of Technology at Sweeney Wright Wiencek. He has also founded KLYPT, a digital agency, and worked at UWNewsLab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Mr. Fowler studied Political Science and Russian Language at St. Olaf College and Russian Language at Кубанский Государственный Университет (КубГУ). He is a prolific writer and speaker in the industry.