Jaclyn Vazquez
Senior Director, Corporate Reputation at Outcast
Jaclyn Vazquez is a professional working as the Senior Director of Corporate Reputation at Outcast.1 She is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and has over 500 connections on LinkedIn.1 Jaclyn's LinkedIn profile indicates that she has experience working at Outcast and received her education from Boston University College of Communication.1
It's worth noting that while there are multiple LinkedIn profiles for individuals named Jaclyn Vazquez, the one you're specifically inquiring about has the username "jaclynvazquez" on LinkedIn. This profile matches the description of the Senior Director role at Outcast that you mentioned.
Professional Background
Jaclyn's role as Senior Director of Corporate Reputation suggests that she likely has significant experience in public relations, communications, or a related field. Her position at Outcast, which is presumably a communications or PR agency, involves managing and shaping the reputation of corporate clients.
Jaclyn's educational background includes studying at Boston University College of Communication.1 This academic foundation in communication likely provided her with the skills and knowledge necessary for her current role in corporate reputation management.
While the available information doesn't provide details about her specific responsibilities or achievements, her senior position and educational background suggest that Jaclyn Vazquez is an experienced professional in the field of corporate communications and reputation management.