Iver Christian M Olsen
ICT Consultant at Jets Vacuum AS (LION & Open Networker)
Iver Christian M Olsen, a male born in 1971, is a dedicated family man, married with 3 children. He currently works in the ICT field at Jets Vacuum AS.
With a strong background in Information Technology, Iver's specialities include Microsoft Windows, Azure, Office 365, Virtualization (Vmware, Hyper-V, XenServer), Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams, System Center, Linux, Visual Basic (6.0, ASP), WordPress, and more.
Iver studied Information Technology at Tønsberg Maritime Videregående Skole and has gained valuable experience through various roles in renowned organizations. He previously served as an ICT Consultant at Jets Vacuum AS, Seniorkonsulent at Ålesund Data AS, Teknisk ansvarlig at SSC Networks Norge AS, Daglig leder at WebOnline AS, and Systemkonsulent at Politiets Datatjeneste.