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Ivan Costa

Software Development Specialist na Toro Investimentos - Frontend Developer
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
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Ivan Costa is a highly skilled software developer with a passion for the web and the constant innovations it brings. With proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular 2+, Ionic, and more, he has built a solid foundation in web development. Ivan is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Mobile Application Development at the CESAR School of Innovation, where he is constantly expanding his knowledge and skillset in the tech industry.

Throughout his career, Ivan has held several positions in different companies, including Senior Front-End Developer at Allê Invest, Head Of Frontend at PayShopX, and Pleno Frontend Developer at PayShopX. He also worked as a Software Engineer at Justa and MV S/A, and in the early stages of his career, he was a Estagiário - Desenvolvedor Front-End at Dant Sistemas E Consultoria and Analista de Suporte - N2 at Núcleo de Tecnologia da Informação - UFPE. He has a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems from the Federal University of Pernambuco and a Master of Business Administration degree in Software Engineering from Faculdade Metropolitana.

With a broad skillset in Python, Django, Ruby on Rails, Android, Kotlin, Swift, IOS, Dart, Flutter, Java, NodeJS, Oracle 11 PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, and Docker, Ivan is highly versatile in his craft. He is also knowledgeable in Scrum and Kanban and is an expert in Git/Github/GitLab, Linux User, and Material, Bootstrap, and ReactJS.

In his current position, Ivan is focused on bringing a seamless and efficient experience to customers, prioritizing usability and web application performance. He is continuously learning about agile methodologies and emerging trends to deliver the best possible results to clients in the tech industry.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.