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Ivan Corneillet

Technologist, Thinker, and Tinkerer
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Ivan Corneillet is an experienced software engineer, product developer, and instructor with a track record of success spanning over 17 years. He is a lead instructor for several Data Science courses at Twitter and The Wharton School/John Hopkins University. Corneillet has a strong command of big data and cloud computing/SaaS, which he leverages in his teaching and consulting activities. He has evangelized and driven Agile transformations in global engineering organizations and has led cross-functional teams delivering complex supercomputing contracts. With an MBA from The Wharton School, a Master of Science from the National School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of Grenoble, and a Post-Graduate Diploma from Université Grenoble Alpes, Corneillet has pursued lifelong learning to stay on the cutting edge of new technologies. His technical breadth and depth encompasses big data, data science, and data mining, as well as software release experience, cloud computing frameworks, web, and mobile applications, and databases such as MongoDB and HBase. Ivan Corneillet's passion lies in staying up to date with latest technologies, teaching, and mentoring.

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This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.