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What are Igor Tasic, Ph.D.’s favorite books?
Profile Image for Igor Tasic, Ph.D.

Igor Tasic, Ph.D.

Digital Leader @ World Economic Forum - Founder @ CyberPRO
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Igor Tasic is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, advisor, and author, with extensive professional experience in technology, strategy, personal performance, and economic empowerment. He has worked as a consultant for top-tier companies such as Telefónica and DuPont, leading global engagements on corporate strategy, digital transformation, innovation strategy, new product development, and organizational transformation. Igor is the founder and CEO of Startup Europe Week, the largest regional entrepreneurship event in the world, promoted in collaboration with the European Commission, which has a global audience of eight million+ entrepreneurs. He is trilingual in Spanish, English, and Portuguese and holds a Ph.D. in Information and Communications Technologies from the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.

Besides leading his companies, Igor is a member of the World Economic Forum's Digital Leaders Network, a Ph.D. candidate at UPCT, and advisor to multiple corporations, innovation hubs, and startups worldwide. He is a well-rounded professional, a recognized expert in entrepreneurship, strategy, and innovation, and a sought-after lecturer and author.

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