Humberto Hernandez
DevOps Engineer at Netsmart
Humberto Hernandez is a highly skilled Senior System Engineer with expertise in various enterprise systems, including the full Influx stack, Puppet Enterprise, Sensu, and Zabbix. With experience in managing complex IT systems used across multiple OS platforms, such as Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and IBM AIX, Hernandez is well-versed in monitoring, data tracking, and IT in general. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems and is now working at Netsmart as a Senior System Engineer specializing in Hosting Architecture.
Working primarily on these products has helped him understand various aspects of monitoring, data tracking, and CI/CD pipelines, as well as programming languages like Ruby, PowerShell, Bash, and Go Lang. He has gained experience working on different teams, learning from his peers, and continuously strives to learn new items to provide the best value to his own team and company.
Before starting his career in IT, he worked as a customer service representative at In and Out Bodyshop and later as an Associate at Boston Financial Data Services. However, his passion for technology led him to pursue a career in the IT industry.