Hesperus Mak
Freelance Strategy Director passionate about helping businesses to create innovative brand and product experiences
Who is Hesperus Mak?
Hesperus Mak is a freelance brand and marketing strategist based in Hong Kong. He has close to 10 years of experience working on regional and local projects in Asia, with a focus on project and team leadership.1
Key facts about Hesperus Mak:
- He is passionate about sustainable growth, creativity, innovation, and advertising effectiveness25
- He is the founder or co-founder of several companies, including Previously Unavailable, Tracksuit, AF Drinks and Caffeine5
- He believes that brands need a cultural strategy rather than a traditional brand strategy7
- He advocates for diversity and inclusion, and recently organized a Pride Month event within the WPP network34
- He believes that people are more likely to take action on climate change when it is made relevant to what they care about8
Hesperus Mak shares his insights and experiences on his LinkedIn profile, where his username is hesperusmak.12345678