Hariya Roshangar
Online Performance Marketer at Hostnet B.V.
Hariya Roshangar is an Online Performance Marketer currently working at Hostnet B.V. and has a notable background in digital marketing. His professional journey includes experience as a Performance Marketing Manager at Nextfields, which is part of the Conclusion group. He is based in Almere, Netherlands, and has a strong educational foundation from Hanzehogeschool Groningen.
In addition to his role at Hostnet B.V., Roshangar is active on LinkedIn, where he engages with topics related to B2B marketing, Google Ads, and lead generation. He has built a substantial network, boasting over 500 connections on the platform, indicating his active participation in the professional community.
Roshangar's expertise lies primarily in online performance marketing and search engine marketing, showcasing his skills in driving effective digital strategies for businesses.