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What are Hanns Köhler-Krüner’s favorite books?
Profile Image for Hanns Köhler-Krüner

Hanns Köhler-Krüner

Seeking Answers for others and myself around the Digital Workplace and Content Strategy
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Hanns Köhler-Krüner is a renowned figure in the Information Management/Document Management /Content Management industry. With extensive experience in technical support, sales, product management, training, facilitation, and now as a Managing Vice President at Gartner, he has a deep understanding of the converging technologies in the market and helps businesses find solutions in a constantly changing landscape.

Apart from being passionate about public speaking, Hanns is known for his ability to coach individuals and teams to reach their full potential in any field. He holds a degree in History from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, English and History from The University Of Freiburg, Economics and History from Durham University, and English and History from Deutsche Schule Den Haag.

Overall, Hanns Köhler-Krüner is an experienced and accomplished leader in the Information/Document/Content Management field who now works with Gartner to help businesses navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technologies and processes.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.