Hagen Paluschtzik
Wiesbaden -> Deutschland -> Europa - > Global
Hagen Paluschtzik is a professional working as the Head of Cooperations & Start-Up Expert at Firmenbaukasten AG.2 Based on the available information, here are some key details about him:
Professional Experience
- Current Role: Head of Cooperations & Start-Up Expert at Firmenbaukasten AG
- Other Roles:
- Self-employed entrepreneur
- Book author
- Cooperation manager online
Additional Information
While specific details about Hagen Paluschtzik's background and expertise are limited, his current position suggests he has experience in:
- Startup ecosystems
- Business cooperation and partnerships
- Entrepreneurship
It's worth noting that Paluschtzik appears to be based in Germany, as his LinkedIn profile is in German and associated with the German version of the platform.23
Other Mentions
Hagen Paluschtzik is also mentioned in connection with a project at Hochschule RheinMain, where he was involved in a drama film called "Kamille" in 2021.1 This suggests he may have some involvement or interest in media or film production alongside his primary professional roles.