Gwenaelle CHARVIN
Gwenaelle CHARVIN is a professional working as a Styliste infographiste webdesigner (Graphic Designer and Web Designer) at Bennytex.1 She is based in Gennevilliers, France, and has 191 connections on LinkedIn.1
Education and Background
Gwenaelle CHARVIN has a diverse educational background in design and arts. She studied for a diplôme supérieur de styliste modéliste, which suggests advanced training in fashion design and pattern making. Her education includes studying at MJM Paris, a well-known design school.1
Professional Experience
Currently, Gwenaelle CHARVIN is employed at Bennytex, where she works as a Styliste infographiste webdesigner.1 This role likely involves a combination of fashion design, graphic design, and web design skills. Her diverse skill set allows her to contribute to various aspects of the company's visual and digital presence.
Industry Involvement
Gwenaelle CHARVIN has been involved in evaluating fashion industry contestants. She participated alongside colleagues Séverine Chapelle and Christian Kittery in assessing six contestants from France and Canada in a fashion-related event.2 This involvement suggests that she is recognized for her expertise in the fashion industry and actively participates in professional activities beyond her primary role at Bennytex.