Giresh Kanji
Honorary Associate Professor/Pain Specialist/Mental Health Researcher/Speaker/Best Selling Author (PhD MBChB)
Dr. Giresh Kanji is a Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist and Researcher based in Auckland, New Zealand.123 He obtained his MB ChB from Otago in 1990 and has been fully registered in New Zealand since November 26, 1991.1 Dr. Kanji completed his PhD in 2013, focusing on how pain spreads and amplifies, particularly in relation to headache and migraine.5
Currently, Dr. Kanji serves as an honorary Associate Professor at Auckland University and is the chairperson of the NZ Pain Foundation.3 He is also the editor of Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine.3 His main interests include research and finding the source of pain, with a focus on managing headache, migraine, fibromyalgia, spinal pain, and tendon injuries.3
Dr. Kanji has authored several books, including "Fix Your Back," "Fix Your Neck Pain, Headache and Migraine," and the 2019 New Zealand bestseller "Brain Connections: How to sleep better, worry less and feel happier".3 He has presented his research findings at conferences in New Zealand, Australia, Tahiti, the United States, and Europe.3
With over 22 years of experience as a Pain Specialist and Researcher at Gilgit Road Specialist Centre, Dr. Kanji has been practicing in this role since September 2002.6 His approach to pain management incorporates both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical options, and he has discussed challenges related to managing chronic pain in primary care settings.4