Gina Alley
Marketing Outreach Coordinator at Con-Real, LP
Gina Alley is the Director of Public Relations at Con-Real, LP.5 She previously served as the Marketing/Outreach Coordinator before returning to Con-Real, LP as the Director of Community Outreach and Client Relations.4 Gina is the daughter of Gerald Alley, the President and CEO of Con-Real, LP.1 Her LinkedIn username is gina-alley-9a04b67a.3
Gerald Alley's "business prowess rubbed off on his three children".1 Gina's sister, Stephanie Alley, is Con-Real’s recruitment manager and a cello player.1 Her brother, Byron Alley, currently works at BNSF in Houston.1
Gina Alley is a member of the Dean's Alumni Advisory Council.2 She graduated from the University of North Texas.3
Jan 1 ·
Dean's Alumni Advisory Council | Walton College
Jan 1 ·
Gerald Alley: Arkansas Business Hall of Fame | Walton College