Georgia M. Reash
Author, Fund Raising & Organizational Consultant, Community Developer, Poet-Artist-Playwright
Georgia Reash is a well-respected futurist in healthy lifestyle and sustainable community development. With almost 30 years of experience as both a consulting corporate and nonprofit advisor and the president of BrightSpot Communities LLC, Georgia specializes in facilitating thriving places to live and work while developing real estate with socially responsible standards. She has worked with over 250 businesses and serves as an expert in economic revitalization and citizen potential building. Furthermore, her expansive career and passions extend far beyond sustainable communities. Georgia is a transformative artist with a deep love for visual art, poetry, and creative expression, which she uses to empower individuals and families to find healing and thrive in their greatest potential. Her company, Wealth is Within, offers creative ventures, media, and publications to facilitate inner healing and lifestyle change. As well as running BrightSpot Communities LLC and Wealth is Within, Georgia was a founding member of LEAD Vision LLC and previously served as Advisor to the Manasota Attainable Housing Coalition, Partner of Rise With Honor at BrightSpot Communities LLC and Believing A Miracle, and Renewable Energy, BioFuels / BioEnergy, EE-Home Energy Management Network at Renewable Energy Technologies Access Liaison.