Frank Kuijper
Loopbaancoach bij James Loopbaan/ Eigenaar Frank Kuijper Loopbaanadvies (NOLOC gecertificeerd / Register Loopbaanprofessional DNV)
Frank Kuijper is a highly educated professional with a wealth of experience in several sectors. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and has completed several courses such as Psychologie, Projectorganisatie Bouw & Infra, and Sociale wetgeving. Frank has worked in different organizations, including Dura Vermeer, VolkerWessels, and Tauw Nederland. He has also served as a Reserve Officer in the Royal Engineers in the Ministry of Defense. Frank has skills in coaching, HR, project management, and civil engineering. He presently owns Frank Kuijper Loopbaanadvies, where he practices career consultancy services to his clients.