Fatima Boussebha
Conseiller clientèle Entreprises et Particuliers -AXA Genève-
While the provided sources do not directly link to a specific LinkedIn profile for "Fatima Boussebha" with the username "fatima-boussebha-3a80b68b," here are some inferences and related information:
Name and Role: The individual in question is named Fatima Boussebha and holds the role of "Conseiller PME et Particuliers" at AXA, which translates to "Advisor for Small and Medium Enterprises and Individuals."
Background: There are several individuals with the name Fatima Boussebha or similar variations associated with AXA in different regions, but none of the provided sources directly match the specific LinkedIn username you mentioned.123
General Information: Given the role, Fatima Boussebha likely has experience in insurance and financial advisory services, which is consistent with the types of roles held by other AXA employees mentioned in the sources.
To get detailed information about this specific individual, you would need to access their LinkedIn profile directly using the provided username.