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    Fabiola Ferreira de Paula

    Itau Personnalité

    Fabiola Ferreira de Paula is a financial professional currently working as a Gerente de Relacionamento Personnalité (Relationship Manager for Personnalité clients) at Itaú Unibanco, a position she has held since March 2023.2

    Professional Background

    Prior to her current role, Fabiola has had experience in other notable positions within the financial sector:

    • Investment Advisor at BTG Pactual, where she worked until February 20222
    • Gerente de investimentos (Investment Manager) at an unspecified bank before her time at BTG Pactual2

    LinkedIn Profile

    Fabiola's LinkedIn profile can be found under the username fabiola-ferreira-de-paula-35a463103. This profile showcases her professional experience and current role at Itaú Unibanco.2

    It's worth noting that there are multiple professionals named Fabiola Ferreira de Paula on LinkedIn, but the specific profile mentioned in the query belongs to the individual working at Itaú Unibanco.1

    Related Questions

    What are Fabiola Ferreira de Paula's main responsibilities at Itaú Unibanco?
    How long has Fabiola Ferreira de Paula been working at Itaú Unibanco?
    What is Fabiola Ferreira de Paula's background before joining Itaú Unibanco?
    What other roles has Fabiola Ferreira de Paula held in her career?
    How can I connect with Fabiola Ferreira de Paula on LinkedIn?
    Fabiola Ferreira de Paula
    Fabiola Ferreira de Paula, photo 1
    Fabiola Ferreira de Paula, photo 2
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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil