Evelin Sie
Indonesia Company Registration, Easy & 100% Online, Corporate Service, Permits, Bank Account, Trademark, Sworn Translator, Tax & Accounting, Visa/KITAS
Evelin Sie is a dedicated professional with a background in Accounting and Finance emphasizing business entity set up, tax compliance, immigration services, trademark, and intellectual property.
As an integral part of Bizindo since 2016, Evelin has been instrumental in the success of public-listed companies operating in Indonesia, showcasing a passion for service and professionalism.
Evelin Sie, holding a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance from Universitas Tarumanagara, currently serves as a Manager at Bizindo, a registered legal entity under Indonesia law.
With experience in both Accounting and Tax roles at Bizindo, Evelin Sie has proven to be versatile, business-savvy, and a reliable local partner for companies seeking to establish a presence in Indonesia.
Bizindo, under the leadership of Evelin Sie, offers a comprehensive suite of services including business entity setup, tax compliance, immigration support, licensing, accounting, and more, positioning itself as a reliable and cost-effective solution for businesses operating in Indonesia.