Erwin van den Broek
Owner at 4ever-fit
Based on the available information, I can provide the following details about Erwin van den Broek:
Erwin van den Broek is the Owner of 4ever-fit, a company located in the Netherlands (as indicated by the .nl domain). He has a LinkedIn profile with the username erwin-van-den-broek-ab793a94.2
While specific details about his role at 4ever-fit are limited, we can infer that as the owner, he likely plays a key leadership role in the company's operations and strategic direction.
Erwin van den Broek appears to have a background in the consulting industry, with over 10 years of experience. This suggests he may bring valuable business expertise to his role as owner of 4ever-fit.
It's worth noting that there is another professional named Erwin van den Broek who was appointed as Safety Director at Mourik, a different company.1 However, given the specific LinkedIn username provided in the query, this appears to be a different individual with the same name.
Without more specific information from Erwin's LinkedIn profile or 4ever-fit's website, it's difficult to provide additional details about his professional background or the nature of 4ever-fit's business. If you're looking for more information, you may want to check his LinkedIn profile directly or visit the website.