Erin Dolan
Program Manager - Homelessness and Affordable Housing at Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation
Erin Dolan is the Senior Program Manager for Homelessness & Affordable Housing at Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation.23 She also serves as the Chair of Philanthropy Australia's Affordable Housing Funders Network.14
Dolan is actively involved in addressing homelessness and affordable housing issues in Australia. She was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate international housing funds in Austria, Canada, Ireland, Spain, and the USA, with the aim of creating Australia's first philanthropic housing fund.4 This fund is intended to increase the supply of affordable housing and support innovative housing models.
In her role, Dolan works on initiatives such as the Affordable Housing Challenge, which encourages cross-sector collaboration to address homelessness and affordable housing issues in Greater Melbourne.5 She has also contributed to discussions on housing as a human right and the role of philanthropy in addressing housing challenges.1
Dolan's work aligns with the Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation's commitment to alleviating homelessness and increasing the supply of quality affordable housing.2 Her efforts focus on systemic causes of homelessness, prevention strategies, and increasing the availability of affordable, sustainable, and healthy housing options.