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Your Medicare B supplies are profitable & we can get you paid for them - SNFs & LTC - Wound, ostomy, enteral, trache, catheter, cannula, vax — all profitable
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Press Release:

Eric Hansen, an industry expert in maximizing profits for long-term care facilities, is revolutionizing the way skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) handle their Medicare B supply orders. With over a decade of experience in the healthcare industry, Hansen has uncovered a surprising truth: SNFs are unknowingly losing thousands of dollars each month by not properly managing their Med B supply orders.

Hansen's extensive research has revealed that many SNFs are under the impression that they are receiving Med B supplies for free. This misconception has allowed supply companies to take advantage of the situation, handling the orders and billing insurance without ever providing an invoice to the facilities.

Through this masterstroke, supply companies are able to bill Medicare higher amounts for the supplies, pocketing the substantial difference in cost. The impact on the bottom line can be significant for SNFs, as they unknowingly relinquish their rightful revenue.

With a focus on commonly ordered supplies such as hydrogel dressings, alginate dressings, foam dressings, tracheostomy tubes, ostomy pouches, skin barriers, enteral nutrition formulas, and urinary catheters, Hansen demonstrates how these seemingly small amounts add up quickly and can have a substantial impact on a facility's financial health.

Recognizing the need for SNFs to unlock this untapped revenue, Eric Hansen offers free initial consultations, providing value upfront to showcase his expertise. He understands the intricacies of Medicare B supply billing and aims to help facilities maximize their profits. By partnering with Hansen, SNFs can reclaim the money rightfully owed to them and potentially transform a financially challenging year into a profitable one.

For more information and to find out how much revenue your SNF may be leaving on the table, contact Eric Hansen at


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