Eric Hecox
Senior Vice President, Operations at Shea Properties
Eric Hecox is the Senior Vice President of Operations at Shea Properties, a diversified real estate company based in Colorado.13 In this role, he is involved in various aspects of the company's operations, including business operations, project management, strategic planning, and political outreach.1
Hecox has a diverse professional background that spans both the public and private sectors:
Career progression:
At Shea Properties, Hecox is known for his holistic approach to real estate development. He has a well-rounded understanding of various aspects of the industry, including market analysis, legal processes, finance, construction, and district oversight.1 His expertise in water resources, rights, and supply is particularly valuable in many of Shea Properties' projects, especially those involving complex rezoning or entitlement efforts.1
Hecox is recognized for his ability to connect different perspectives and eliminate internal silos within the company, serving as a bridge between various divisions.1 His role involves synthesizing disparate influences to ensure the synchronized success of each project.1
Additionally, Eric Hecox has been praised for his knowledge and work ethic, particularly in relation to water policy and issues in the western United States.4