Emily Stockings
Senior Research Fellow at UNSW
Emily Stockings is an Associate Professor and NHMRC Principal Research Fellow at the Matilda Centre, University of Sydney.24 She holds a BPsycHons and PhD, and specializes in research on smoking, vaping, and mental health.2 Dr. Stockings began her career as a Post Doc Research Fellow at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) at UNSW in August 2013, completing her PhD in August 2014.1
Her research focuses on:
- Preventing e-cigarette use in young people
- Developing smoking cessation treatments for people with mental disorders
- Examining the efficacy of medicinal cannabis products
- Substance use epidemiology
Dr. Stockings has experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating randomized controlled trials, with a particular emphasis on evidence-based substance use treatment interventions for individuals with mental disorders.13 She is currently leading a 4-module e-cigarette prevention program for Year 8 students across multiple Australian states and collaborates with various health departments to develop resources and policies related to smoking and vaping.3
Originally from Dubbo in central west NSW, Dr. Stockings has a passion for health equality and improving services for vulnerable populations.3 Her work has significantly contributed to the field, as evidenced by her impressive citation record, with over 8,000 citations and an h-index of 33.5