Elsa Dillenseger
Contractual Research Engineer, INRA, Bordeaux
Elsa Dillenseger is a Développeur Java/Angular (Java/Angular Developer) at SOAT, a company based in Massy, France.12 She has expertise in Java and Angular technologies and currently works as a Lead Développeur Java/AngularJs (Lead Java/AngularJs Developer).4
Professional Background
- Current position: Développeur Java/Angular at SOAT1
- Previous role: Contractual Research Engineer at INRA, Bordeaux
- Architecte Logiciel Java (Java Software Architect) from AFCEPF in 20153
- Master's degree in Biologie et Biotechnologie des Plantes (Plant Biology and Biotechnology) from Université Bordeaux I in 20133
- Bachelor's degree (Licence) in SVT (Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre - Life and Earth Sciences) from Université de Bordeaux3
Elsa Dillenseger has a diverse educational background, combining expertise in software development with knowledge in plant biology and biotechnology.
Aug 1 ·
identified particle production: Topics by