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Edem Afi

Sales and Business Development Specialist

Edem Dorfe, Business Liaison & Food Business Line Associate at ITOCHU

Based on the LinkedIn profile of Edem Dorfe, he is a Business Liaison & Food Business Line Associate at ITOCHU Corporation in Tokyo, Japan.4 His LinkedIn username is edem-dorfe.1

Some key details about Edem Dorfe:

  • Location: Tokyo, Japan4
  • Current Role: Business Liaison & Food Business Line Associate at ITOCHU4
  • Previous Role: ABE Initiative Fellow at ITOCHU4
  • Education: MBA from University of Ghana Business School4

Edem Dorfe has over 500 connections on LinkedIn.2 His profile can be viewed at

There are a few other individuals named Edem Dorfe or similar names on LinkedIn, such as:

  • Edem Kwame Akpalu, located in Ghana3
  • Julie Curtis Dorfe, a Math Intervention Specialist at LDA Minnesota5
  • Katti Dorfe, a Sales Associate at Christina Aguilera Fragrances6

However, the Edem Dorfe in question is the Business Liaison & Food Business Line Associate at ITOCHU Corporation in Tokyo, Japan.4

Edem Afi
Edem Afi, photo 1
Edem Afi, photo 2
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Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana