Donna Hall
Former Director at Duke University
Donna Hall is a highly experienced expert in college learning services, with over 20 years of experience under her belt. She previously served as the director of the Academic Resource Center (ARC) at Duke University, where she established the theoretical foundations for the center in the field of student learning and development. Donna's research interests include how identity, culture, class, and life experiences can influence how students learn and develop during college years.
Aside from her directorship, Donna served on the steering committee for the Duke Resilience Project, and the COMPASS Project. Her contributions helped to secure a 3.4 million dollar grant from the Duke Endowment to study college stress and student resilience, as well as a 1.5 million grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to improve learning for diverse science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students in introductory science courses.
With her commitment to accessible and inclusive educational practices, Donna's Academic Resource Center (ARC) team at Duke University received the 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award' in 2014. The team's high impact student development programs have helped to create a responsive and inclusive learning environment within the undergraduate academic community.
Donna studied at both Duke University and Williams College, and she is highly regarded in her field. Her vast experience and research interests have made her an invaluable asset to the academic community, and she continues to be a highly sought-after expert in college learning services.