Divyanshu Bhartiya
Software Engineer at Facebook
Divyanshu Bhartiya is a Software Engineer currently working at Facebook.1 He is based in the London Area, United Kingdom, and has over 500 connections on LinkedIn.1 Bhartiya's professional background includes experience in software engineering, data science, and research.
Education and Previous Experience
Divyanshu Bhartiya received his education from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.1 Prior to his current role at Facebook, he has worked at other notable tech companies, including Twitter.2
Skills and Expertise
As a software engineer, Bhartiya has demonstrated expertise in various areas of technology. He has shared insights on topics such as system design, indicating his knowledge and interest in software architecture and development practices.2
Contact Information
For professional inquiries, Divyanshu Bhartiya can be reached via his work email at
Divyanshu Bhartiya's LinkedIn profile, under the username divyanshubhartiya, serves as a platform for him to showcase his professional achievements and connect with others in the tech industry.