Didrik Aleksander Premkumar-Strøhm
Project leader
Didrik Aleksander Strøhm is an accomplished business leader and innovator with a passion for finding sustainable solutions to global issues. With a degree in creativity, innovation, and business development, as well as Experience in Digital Marketing from Høyskolen Kristiania and Noroff, he has developed a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the areas of leadership, personal development, and community empowerment.
His professional journey has included holding a variety of positions such as CEO at YSI - Young Sustainable Impact, COO Denmark at Future Leaders Global, Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer at YSI, Consultant Marketing at Det Norske Studentersamfund, COO & head of marketing at Future Leaders, Co-Founder at Musebox, and many others.
Throughout his career, Didrik has played a key role in the innovation and development of sustainable solutions in various industries. He believes that the resolution to global problems can be found through a combination of young & driven people, resourceful & experienced people, technology & research, and community empowerment.