David Friedlander-Holm
Astronomy, Physics and Senior Signature Projects Faculty
David Friedlander-Holm is a science teacher at The Bay School of San Francisco.2 He teaches physics and astronomy and manages the Tuolumne Skies Observatory in Groveland, California, where Bay students gain firsthand experience in astronomy.1 He wanted to be a physics teacher since high school.1 He believes project-based learning is the best way for students to learn.1 He is also the Department Chair (Senior Signature Projects).5
Friedlander-Holm has a BA in Physics and Astronomy from Carleton College.1 He was part of the NITARP 2018 class and a mentor educator in the NITARP 2022 class.3 He is enthusiastic about astronomy and has inspired many Bay graduates to continue studying it in college.1 He teaches Creative Process, Senior Projects, Astronomy and Stellar Astrophysics, Astronomy: Observatory (Immersive), Atmospheric Science and Engineering: Launching Near-Space Weather Balloons (Immersive).1 He also has an impressive collection of bow ties.14