Daniel Butler
Owner- Paladin Tactical US; Retired Fed LEO
Daniel Butler, Ph.D. is the CEO and Lead Instructor of Paladin Tactical US, LLC. He retired from federal law enforcement after 24 years of service, during which he held various positions including SWAT Senior Team Leader, Weapons of Mass Destruction Coordinator, and Supervisory Special Agent.1 Butler is skilled in crisis management, criminal investigation, intelligence, and law enforcement training.4
Over the past 20 years, Butler has provided tactical and firearms instruction to hundreds of local, federal, and international law enforcement officers. He holds multiple certifications as a firearms instructor, including from the FBI, California POST, BSIS, NRA, and the California Department of Justice.1
In addition to his law enforcement background, Butler has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of California and is a nationally-registered Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).1 His company, Paladin Tactical US, specializes in providing CCW and firearms training for citizens, as well as active shooter preparedness and tactical training for businesses and law enforcement.23