Damian Winkowski
ExGoogler. Denmark = LOVE. Web 3 enthusiast. Building strong IT Teams for Enterprises and growing Startups
Damian Winkowski is a professional in the software industry who works as a leader at LEOCODE.1 He describes himself as someone who solves CTOs' problems with tools, frameworks, and the right people.45 Winkowski is involved in organizing an annual Project Management Conference at the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdansk, which attracts over 150 attendees.1
Winkowski is active on LinkedIn, regularly sharing insights and observations about the tech industry. He has recently commented on topics such as:
- Roche's reported layoff of around 5,000 IT contractors2
- The importance of tracking software team deliverables3
- A Google report on the tech industry6
- A McKinsey report on the mental health of CTOs and IT managers7
His LinkedIn posts suggest that he is well-connected in the tech industry and often engages with topics related to software development, project management, and leadership in IT.