Coen Vennegoor
Project Manager at Wegdam Food Link B.V.
Coen Vennegoor is a Project Manager at Wegdam Food Link B.V., a food company based in Haaksbergen, the Netherlands.34 He is located in the Enschede area and has 430 connections on LinkedIn.3 Vennegoor brings experience from previous roles to his current position at Wegdam Food Link B.V., where he demonstrates leadership and organizational skills in the food industry. His LinkedIn username is coen-vennegoor-b49a4a28, as mentioned in the query.
Company Information
Wegdam Food Link B.V. is a young company run by experienced people, specializing in high-quality food products delivered to customers around the globe.15 The company focuses on establishing sustainable relationships with clients and cooperating with producers for the long term.1
Contact Details
Wegdam Food Link B.V. is headquartered at:
Parallelweg 4 7482 CA Haaksbergen The Netherlands
Phone: +31 53 478 5648 Fax: +31 53 760 03842