Chris Connell
Owner, Connell Partnership
Based on the available information, Chris Connell is the Owner of Connell Partnership. While specific details about Chris Connell in relation to Connell Partnership are limited, we can piece together some information about his professional background:
Chris Connell is located in the Greater Reading Area according to his LinkedIn profile.4 As the Owner of Connell Partnership, he likely plays a key leadership role in the company's operations and strategic direction.4
It's worth noting that there are multiple individuals named Chris Connell in professional roles, which makes it challenging to definitively attribute all information to the specific Chris Connell associated with Connell Partnership. However, some potentially relevant professional experiences of individuals named Chris Connell include:
Chief Executive Officer roles, such as at Quire, a SaaS technical report writing platform.13
Leadership positions in various industries, including technology, logistics, and equipment sales.1
Experience in the United States Marine Corps as a Captain.1
Involvement in design and architecture, though this may refer to a different Chris Connell.2
Without more specific information directly linked to the Chris Connell who owns Connell Partnership, it's difficult to confirm which, if any, of these experiences apply to him. The LinkedIn profile with the username chris-connell-859b613a appears to be the most directly relevant source for information about this particular Chris Connell, but the publicly available details are limited.4