Chris Charlton
Managing Partner and CEO with extensive experience in M&A and consulting
There are multiple people named Chris Charlton on LinkedIn, but none with the exact username chris-charlton-0872653. Here are the most relevant Chris Charltons I could find:
Chris Charlton
- Managing Partner & CEO, UK, Southern Europe, ASEAN & MEA at Global PMI Partners1
- Based in London, England, United Kingdom1
Chris Charlton
- Sales Executive at Milestone Utility Services2
- Previously Account Executive at Oracle2
- Based in Greater Boston Area
Chris Charlton
- Chairman & Founder at charlton, inc.3
- Chairman of Automotive Advisory Board at Luminar Technologies3
- Based in Detroit Metropolitan Area
Christopher Charlton
- Senior Principal Product at DXC Technology4
- Previously Vice President Customer Success at Bottomline Technologies4
- Based in Greater Philadelphia Area
Without knowing the exact person you are asking about, I cannot provide a definitive answer. The LinkedIn username provided does not match any of the Chris Charltons found. I recommend searching for the person on LinkedIn again using the exact username to get the most accurate information.