Chelsea Brown
Digital Marketing Lead at Adacado | Former College Soccer Player | Bachelor of Business Administration
Chelsea Brown is the Digital Marketing Lead at Adacado, a digital advertising software company based in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.24 She has a background in business administration and is a former college soccer player.3
In her role at Adacado, Chelsea is responsible for various aspects of digital marketing. She contributes to the company's blog, writing about topics such as digital display ads and their importance in overall marketing strategies.1 Her work involves helping to simplify and optimize social advertising campaigns, particularly through Adacado's Facebook media option.1
Chelsea's professional experience includes:
- Digital Marketing Lead at Adacado
- Previous work at The Original Fusion, a Vancouver-based marketing agency
As part of her responsibilities, Chelsea likely plays a key role in Adacado's efforts to promote their fully DIY platform, which aims to enable anyone to run digital marketing campaigns efficiently.1 Her LinkedIn profile indicates that she has over 500 connections in her professional network.2
Chelsea's expertise appears to span various areas of digital marketing, including content creation, social media advertising, and platform optimization. Her contributions help position Adacado as a trailblazer in the advertising industry, particularly in the realm of DIY advertising solutions for agencies and brands.1