Chandan Thakur
Sr Software Engineer at The HomeDepot | Adapting, learning, and driving flexible solutions to optimize services while having fun.
Chandan Thakur is a skilled engineer with vast experience building and deploying applications in various industries. Specializing in Java and Spring framework, he has a professional focus on Web Services/APIs, Databases, and CI/CD pipelines. In the past six months, Chandan won several hackathons, mentored four interns, and planned and delivered two new projects in the Workday and PowerApps space. Working in Workday security at The Home Depot, Chandan provides technical solutions for cross-application teams and internal and external applications. He maintains open and positive communication with his team members and optimizes workflow in an agile environment. Outside of work, Chandan enjoys sports, photography, and outdoor excursions, and when the weather doesn't allow it, he spends his time leveling up his software skills and learning new ones.