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    Catherine Quiambao

    Catherine Quiambao has multiple profiles on LinkedIn, indicating that there are several individuals with that name. Here are some notable details about a few of them:

    1. Catherine Quiambao (Carson, California):

      • Education: Bachelor's degree in Accounting from California State University, Long Beach (2018-2020).
      • LinkedIn Profile: Catherine Quiambao .1
    2. Catherine Quiambao (Hayward, California):

    3. Catherine Wee Quiambao (Nike):

      • Position: HR Director and Business Partner at Nike.
      • Experience: Over 15 years in HR, focusing on stakeholder relationships.
      • LinkedIn Profile: Catherine Wee Quiambao .3

    These profiles suggest that Catherine Quiambao is involved in various professional fields, including accounting and human resources. If you are looking for a specific Catherine Quiambao, please provide additional context or details.

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    What is Catherine Quiambao's current role at Nike?
    How did Catherine Quiambao transition from accounting to HR?
    What are some notable achievements of Catherine Quiambao in her HR career?
    What specific skills does Catherine Quiambao bring to her role at Nike?
    How has Catherine Quiambao's experience at California State University, Long Beach influenced her career?
    Catherine Quiambao
    Catherine Quiambao, photo 1
    Catherine Quiambao, photo 2
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