Catherine Quiambao
Catherine Quiambao has multiple profiles on LinkedIn, indicating that there are several individuals with that name. Here are some notable details about a few of them:
Catherine Quiambao (Carson, California):
- Education: Bachelor's degree in Accounting from California State University, Long Beach (2018-2020).
- LinkedIn Profile: Catherine Quiambao .1
Catherine Quiambao (Hayward, California):
- Current Status: Student at Ohlone College.
- LinkedIn Profile: Catherine Quiambao .2
Catherine Wee Quiambao (Nike):
- Position: HR Director and Business Partner at Nike.
- Experience: Over 15 years in HR, focusing on stakeholder relationships.
- LinkedIn Profile: Catherine Wee Quiambao .3
These profiles suggest that Catherine Quiambao is involved in various professional fields, including accounting and human resources. If you are looking for a specific Catherine Quiambao, please provide additional context or details.