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Carl Taylor

CEO of Automation Agency - Host of Future of Humanity Podcast - Business Strategist, Speaker & Author
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Central Coast, Australia
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Carl Taylor is a seasoned entrepreneur with a multidisciplinary background spanning over 22 years. His expertise lies in technology, business, personal growth, and psychology. Starting from a young age, Carl demonstrated an early passion for technology by building computers and self-teaching coding in the 90s. By the time he was 15, he had already launched his first business, which paved the way for him to sell three businesses before the age of 25. Notably, Carl is a #1 business book author. Currently, he serves as the CEO of Automation Agency, providing affordable marketing solutions for Coaches & Consultants. He is also the Co-Founder of Hire A Virtual Team, a service dedicated to helping small businesses establish full-time virtual teams. Moreover, Carl hosts the popular Future of Humanity Podcast, engaging in discussions with experts on the future prospects of humanity. Beyond these ventures, Carl extends his knowledge and experience to mentor fellow entrepreneurs through advisory roles, private consulting, social media engagement, and public speaking opportunities.

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