Carla Tavares
Chefe de Departamento Produtos e Serviços _ Marketing na Unitel T+
Carla Tavares is a professional with expertise in market analysis and internal data assessment. She excels in defining marketing strategies for product and service launches, creating and monitoring new products, services, and campaigns, and managing portfolios. Carla Tavares holds a degree in International Business and Foreign Trade from École des hautes Etudes Commerciales Algérie. She has held the position of Chief of Department for Product and Service Marketing at Unitel T+ and was previously a Guest Lecturer at ISCEE.
Dec 1 ·
Equipe - Turismo Curitiba
Jan 19 ·
[PDF] Marketing de Produtos e Serviços.indd
Jan 1 ·
Unitel T+ - Overview, Competitors, News, and Employees | Clodura.AI