Brooke Israel, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist at VERT Fitness & Sports Therapy
Brooke Israel is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) who works as a Physical Therapist at VERT Fitness & Sports Therapy.13 She has been practicing as a physical therapist in outpatient settings since 2016.1
Background and Education
Brooke holds a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from San Diego State University-California State University.2 She also earned a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Physiology with a minor in Psychology from the University of California, Davis.2
Professional Experience
As a physical therapist at VERT Fitness & Sports Therapy, Brooke has been working there for over three years.4 Her expertise lies in exercise physiology and psychology, which she applies to her practice.
Approach to Patient Care
Brooke's background as a former athlete gives her a unique perspective in her work.1 She understands the importance of helping patients return to their optimal level of function and achieve their goals.1 This experience likely informs her approach to physical therapy and patient care.
Personal Interests
Outside of her professional life, Brooke is described as a sports fan, dog lover, and foodie.1 These interests suggest a well-rounded individual who balances her professional dedication with personal passions.