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Brian Eskridge

Director, Commercial Communications at Microsoft
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Brian Eskridge is a highly accomplished communications professional with a rich academic background. Eskridge attended the University of Washington, where he studied English and French, earning Bachelor of Arts degrees in both fields. Later, he studied Graduate Studies, Coursework for PhD, English Language and Literature at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Eskridge has numerous years of experience in communications. He began his career as a Senior Copywriter at Northrop Grumman Corporation, and has since held numerous leadership positions at companies including Edelman, williamsworks, and Microsoft. Eskridge has held roles such as Vice President, Managing Director, and Senior Manager. At Microsoft, he serves as Director of Communications.

In addition to his professional experience, Brian Eskridge has a wealth of skills and expertise. He has exceptional written and verbal communications skills, and has experience communicating with a wide variety of audiences. He possesses expertise in public relations, marketing, and brand development. Eskridge also has experience as a copywriter and has an impressive academic background in English and literature.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.