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Who are Brian Bauer’s most high-profile connections?
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Brian Bauer

President and CEO Resynergi
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Brian Bauer is a leading figure in the tech marketing industry, bringing years of experience to his current role as CEO and Co-Founder of Resynergi Inc. With his educational background in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and executive program in Business Administration from UCLA Anderson School of Management, Bauer has gone on to hold numerous high-level positions in the industry. Before co-founding Resynergi, he served as VP of Sales and Marketing at TriAccess Technologies, where he helped grow the business unit by 300% in just five years, making it an industry market share leader. Prior to his time at TriAccess, Bauer held various product management and marketing positions at companies such as Motorola, Next Level Communications, and Gluon Networks, among others.

Bauer's expertise lies in a variety of areas, ranging from communications networking and B2B companies to telemedicine, electronic health records and health diagnostics. He has a proven record of success with CATV system networking, access networks, video semiconductors, and has helped numerous companies establish successful partnerships, including rep and distribution channel partnerships. Bauer's skills as a leader, strategic thinker, and communicator have all contributed to his great success within the industry.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.